For students
NEW: A PhD position is available at the Department of Biosciences of the University of Milan to join my group. Please see
Information on the Dottorato in biologia molecolare e cellulare (A.A. 2022/2023, UniMI PhD) for instructions on how to apply.
My group hosts qualified undergraduate (laurea triennale e specialistica) and PhD (dottorato) students willing to work on computation-based projects. Mentoring will take place in collaboration with an academic advisor (relatore interno) at your home institution.
Projects are currently available in the following research areas (inquire for details):
Statistical learning algorithms and their application in biomolecular simulations, computational chemistry, and other big data sets.
Adaptation of biostatistical algorithms and models, with their application to, e.g., disease progression, survival prediction, and motion analysis.
What you need:
A degree-in-the-making: engineering, physics, and chemistry and biology (as long as you have an interest in quantitative and computational aspects) courses will usually find interesting and challenging projects.
A reasonable knowledge of computer programming and of the English language.
A supporting professor in your home institution ("relatore interno").
What you get:
You will be developing analysis methods with the aim to contribute to actual, ongoing research and scholarly papers.
You will learn to use state-of-the-art software, methods and development practices.
Supervision generally occurs via a combination of on-site and remote sessions.
We'll collaborate with Italian or foreign institutions, depending on your interest, topic, and availability of data.