
A Computational Biophysics Laboratory

Research interests

Our research focuses on the application of computational models to biology and medicine, at various scales, to characterize genotype-phenotype and protein-drug interactions, making extensive use of molecular dynamics and statistical methods. Our background includes statistical physics, software engineering, and high-performance computational architectures.

About me

Tenured at the Italian National Research Council (IBF-CNR) in 2012. Promoted primo ricercatore in 2023. In 2009 awarded a 3-year Beatriu de Pinós grant by the Generalitat de Catalunya for the in silico characterization of protein-protein and protein-drug interactions via large-scale all-atom simulations, developed in the Computational Biophysics Group at the University Pompeu Fabra in Barcelona (GRIB-IMIM-UPF). Before 2008 with the Laboratory for Biomedical Informatics "Mario Stefanelli"  of the University of Pavia, conducting research on artificial intelligence for health-care. PhD in Bioengineering and Bioinformatics (University of Pavia, 2005), and degree in Physics (University of Pisa, 2001). Alumn of the Scuola Normale Superiore (Pisa, 1995).



We are part of CNR-IBF and hosted at the Dept. of Biosciences of the University of Milan.

The PI in 2004...